Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm finally back. I sorta forgot about this blog, and there was a couple of times where i would start writing and then say to myself, "whats the point, nobody is going to read this anyway". Not this time though.

So here's and update of my life since my last blog. Wow, its been nearly 8 months.

April- April 6th is my birthday. This year I turned 17, which meant getting my license which was pretty sweet. I drive a used Hyundai Sante Fe, (paid for by me and my relatives) and I remember the first week I was just driving to random places across Manalapan, just because I could. Gas from April-October sucked since I paid around $3.50/gallon, but now in November its under $2. Driving has been fun, its made my life a whole lot easier and less reliant on my parents.

May, June- Nothing too much about these months. End of the school year bullshit, days are getting hotter and I just wanna get the hell out of school.

July, August- Camps finally here. I work at Frogbridge Day Camp. This summer was filled with a bunch of fun times. We all could drive so we hung out with middle camp people a lot. My group this year was pretty good, just a few kids that were annoying but overall I liked my kids. Actually I kinda miss them. My weekend job and Frogbridge on the catering team was pretty lucrative and I'm working my way up.

At the end of August I took a 2 week trip to Germany. I had a great time there and its changed my life. I can't wait to go back. I'll try and blog about it when I have some time, since I have a lot to say.

September, October- Senior year at Manalapan High School starts. My classes are all for the most part easy, except for english. I start again my tutoring for the SATS. I can honestly say that I worked my ass off studying for this test. And it paid off, I got what I wanted when I took them in October. Then I applied to some colleges; University of Maryland, Rutgers, and Penn State. We'll see what happens. I'm just glad its over. I'm so sick of talking about GPA and SAT scores and everything else that goes along with college stuff.

November- I joined the YMCA. Lets see how that goes. I'll admit I'm not the most committed person in the world. They got a pretty good facility there, a lot better than Elite. I applied for a job at Chee burger, because every other restaurant wont hire until 18 since they serve alcohol and I'm sure as hell not working at a retail store. Training is in 2 days so lets see what happens.

Otherwise, life is good. Lately me and my friends have been playing soccer at the rec. Thats a lot of fun. I watched so many good movies since my last post it would be crazy to mention all of them. Music also.

For the past month the band "Explosions in the Sky" has kept me alive. Download their songs, I still can't get over how good they are.

So I'm not really sure who is reading this, so I'm going to ask if you would leave me a comment letting me know you read it. Its encouraging to know that someone is reading my work rather than me just writing for the sake of writing.

Thats all I have in me for now. Catch ya later.
