Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Found Me


I'm finding it hard to keep up this blog. I don't have too many things going on right now, but I keep forgetting to write. Today I remembered.

It's almost February, which marks more than the midway point of the school year. Like I said a million times before, graduation is bittersweet. I'm quite excited to be going off to college, where I'll be free and explore the world outside of manalapan on my own, but at the same time I'm gonna miss the everyday activities that go on at high school.

Today I woke up at 6 45 which sucked. Yeah, waking up early I will not be missing when I get to college. I picked up my driving partner Eric, and we were on our way to school. This week was all midterms. Midterms mean one thing to me: cheating. Cheating in High School is like Michael Phelps and swimming. They both go together so naturally its insane. In Manalapan High, the number of kids that cheat is very high and the number of teachers that care is very low. Half of the teachers are completely oblivious to the fact that half the class is cheating on the midterm, and the other half of the teachers don't even care. Its very funny actually. Once the first day of testing is completed, answers are being sent around like the stomach virus. And if your unlucky and have your hardest test on the first day, someone is bound to steal the test and pay off the smart kids to take the test. The whole midterms and finals system is whacked out, but I will miss it when I get to college and there's essay exams which throws cheating out of the question.

I received my first acceptance letter this week. That was really exciting, because now I no longer have to worry and I can sit back and relax for the rest of senior year. Penn State University Park.

Last weekend me and the guys headed up to Vermont for skiing. We resided at one of my good friend from camp's house and enjoyed some awesome skiing. I'm not that much of a skier, as this weekend was only my second time ever, but I know enough to have fun going down the mountain. For some reason my confidence was high and I went fast this year. One event stands out from the weekend.

Imagine a huge mountain covered with snow. (for those of you who never skied before)Going up the mountain, the trees are cleared and there are many ski lifts going up. On the particular mountain we were on, the farther left you went the easier the slopes were. Simply put, we were all the way left at the easiest slope. So me and me other two friends are waiting on the ski lift line. In front of us are three skiers: one is an instructor, around my age, and the other two are these small kids getting lessons. They both had to have been around 5 years old and were bundled up tight with ski gear. The instructor turned around to us and asked if one of us would go with the little guy because the lift holds two people and he was going with the other kid. One of my friends responds "alright, sure I'll take him." The instructor says "make sure you go with him".

So they move up on line and are ready to go. Well at least my friend was ready. There both standing there, waiting for the lift to come (it comes up from behind and your supposed to sit down). The lift comes and my friend hops up and sits down. Completely unaware what the hell is going on, the 5 year old kid gets plowed down and falls face first in the snow with his ski's sticking up. It was hilarious. My friend completely forgot to help the poor kid into the seat so the kid gets run over by the ski lift. The lift operator finally shuts the lift off and the instructor runs over to help. Mind you, me and my other friend are standing on line right behind him and we're just laughing our heads off. It was so funny. And of course, my friend held on tight to the little guy the whole way up after that.

Movie/Music update- I've been listening to a lot of music by the bealtes lately. The phase is wearing off though. I'm still addicted to the new snow patrol cd. Also The Fray is coming out with a new CD soon, their hit song You Found Me is just amazing. Bruce Springsteen came out with another album, featuring songs from the movie "The Wrestler".

I saw Slumdog Millionaire. I highly recommend it. The film itself is spectacular for it's scenic shots of India and the script and plot are very entertaining. Another great movie that I rediscovered is October Sky. I had seen it many years ago, and forgot how good it really is. If you haven't seen it, check it out.

I'm hoping to find out who is reading this. Leave a comment with your name. I'd appreciate it.

Do not dwell in the past.
