Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Decisions Decisions

I don't know what to take next year for my senior year of high school. The forms are due on friday and i'm acting like my whole entire outcome and success of my future is riding on my selections. I know its really not though i make a big deal out of things like this. So anyways i've been talking to people and trying to get ideas about what to take next year. They should really write a book about the approach to picking classes in high school cuz i dont have a fking clue on whether or not to take honors physics or woodworking. And no point of going to the guidance counselor; of course she's gonna tell me to go with the harder class what kinda counselor would she be if she gave me the advice to take things easy and take easy classes next year. ughhh decisions decisions.

In life we are left with many decisions to make. Some are harder than others, some we look forward to making, such as what kinda car to get when we are able to drive. But some just plain out suck, and lead to consequences that are difficult to deal with. After we decide, ya know like whether to go with a medium or large ice cream cone at jersey freeze, we must live with ourselves and take a responsibility. Living in denial or as i would put not owning up to what we have done isn't good. I have a problem with the decision-making process, I'm too indecisive and over think situations when i shouldnt. I don't think that compulsive thinking is necessary all the time but i should be do that more often. Especially when playing poker, complusive gambling is awful for your wallet trust me on this.

I'm going to take a break and do some hw, i'll blog some more later.

Song of the day- Oh! Gravity by Switchfoot, very creative and spirit-lifting song check it out


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My life in a heartbeat

The Beginning

This is my first official "blog" entry. I'll start off by introducing myself. My name is Josh, right now i am a junior at manalapan high school. There's a lot i can say and it will probably take me quite a while because i think about many things. Im not too sure what will come out of writing a blog. Hopefully it will turn out as a good thing and i will continue to write in it. The question thats on my mind is who is going to read it? Ok so lets see. First off music is one of the most important factors in my life right now. It usually describes the mood i am feeling. I love to stay up all night and download new songs from new bands i have heard from people. I get a lot out of recommending people songs that i have once become addicted to. My life revolves around music and whenever i can i will grab my ipod and tune into whatever comes up on shuffle. I dislike many things in life right now. Tonight i had a fight with my mom about her pressuring me with my school work. i ended up not getting anything done like usual so its not so good. Ok its getting late and i have school tomorrow. fuck i hate getting up for school so early in the morning. alright, bye.
