Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Back from the dead, finally a new post!

I think its pretty interesting that i feel guilty when i go so long without a blog.

I'm in one of those writing moods. I haven't been a loyal blogger its been weeks since my last post. could be that i'm really lazy.

So there isn't very much to talk about right now. Its February and the weathers been on and off. yesterday i went to the rec with some friends to play basketball and wore shorts, today its windy and freezing and i wore my winter coat. Lately i've been thinking about life after high school and also after college, i'm wondering what type of climate i will live in. Although i like warm weather, i also sometimes look forward to the cold winters spent by a fire. I think i would get too bored of the warm weather and appreciate it less. I think that i enjoy the summertime so much because i experience the rough and cold winters. Of course the cold sucks usually but i like the change in temperature depending on the season in new jersey.

As you can tell theres not that much on my mind to write about, i wouldnt normally talk about the weather. My birthday is coming up, April 6th, and i am pretty damn excited about finally getting my license and not having to rely on my parents all the time for rides. Now all that needs to be done is get a car to drive.

Theres been two things in my life that i am constantly involved in. Music and movies. Lately i have been watching movies, maybe one a day, and my sense of differentiating a good movie from a bad movie is becoming stronger. Some movies i (along with my rating) have been watching:

I am Legend 8/10

Death Proof 4/10

Disturbia 7/10

American Gangster 8/10

No Country for Old Men 6.5/10

Juno 7.5/10

We Own the Night 9/10


I am currently addicted to Switchfoot. I need something else to listen to in order to get unhooked and i haven't found anything yet. Some of the top songs i like are: Awakening, We are one tonight, The beautiful letdown, and The shadow proves the sunshine.

But above all, Switchfoot (feat. relient k) produced a charity-type song called "rebuild" that is simply amazing. go on their website right away and download it. not sure why but ive listened to it about 50 times already after only having it for 2 weeks.

So there isn't anything too much going on in my life. same old stuff, different day.

quote to think about:
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Mahatma Gandhi
I make mistakes, a lot sometimes, but what makes us different is our ability to learn from them. Gandhi is great. one of my role models, im trying to be more like him.

Well im gonna get back to life and stuff, listening to switchfoot and watching a movie.

until next time.


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