Sunday, March 9, 2008

"This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo"-Eminem

While sitting at my kitchen table this morning, taking an SAT practice test for my tutor, a thought came into my mind. 20 years from now, is all this going to matter? Is it going to really going to make a difference if i have a B+ GPA as opposed to an A- GPA? Or can that kid who gets a B- GPA be more successful than those students who got an A GPA. And what about the SAT scores. Will it matter if i get a 1100 instead of close to a 1300? Does my SAT scores really matter to whether or not I can be successful and happy in life? Does any of all this high school pressurized competition B.S. matter in the real world?

I've heard from some people it does, and from others it doesn't. 20 years from now, where ever I am, i will be sure to come back to this blog, if the Internet (or world) hasn't blown up by then, and answer the questions I am currently asking myself (as a junior in high school) for all you readers out there.

The basis of the creation and thought-process that went into starting this topic actually came from yesterday. After a morning spent exercising and playing basketball at the local gym, my family and I took a trip to New York. I usually spend the car rides listening to my Ipod. So we went to this big-time Italian owned car dealership and I bought my first car. I'm bringing it home next Saturday and am pretty excited. All will be well when I actually get my license in April. Anyway, all of the car ride home I was thinking about all this good stuff. Life, college, jobs, death, the usual. I feel like getting a car is a new beginning. I will have the chance to live a different life, based more on what I want and less according to what my parents and other people would like. Simply put I'll have more control.

Getting my first car is only one chapter of my life. It is only one start-over. It is only one chance to do things differently. I find that there are many times where I want things to be different. I want to be a different person, live a different life, and do different things. I constantly think about that, and although the past 16 years of my life have been greatly shaped from my parents and environment I am slowly but surely pulling off the layers of influence I have received and developing my own way to live.

Alright, I have finished with that thought for now and will come back at another time. I haven't been watching that many movies recently, probably I have seen a couple of bad ones and got turned off.

I have seen a few good ones, such as Instinct, Ratatouille, and Man of Honor. All of which I highly recommend you go out and see.

Music. Although I have only explored the band Travis a little bit, they are very talented and consist of what I consider good music. My Switchfoot addiction has indeed worn off, even though I sometimes find myself humming their songs. I know a big bulk of their albums. The rest of what I have been listening to is made up of a few single artists with only a few songs out. But besides that I've concentrated a lot of my music towards Bob Marley. Its hard to really appreciate his music without living in the time period from which it comes from, but I think I am coming fairly close. He's one of the best artists ever. I also like Wyclef Jean. He's had a few hit songs but looking further into his music I've found some pretty cool stuff he's made.

Well that's about it for now, I have a tough 2 week stretch of school coming up and then its off to Puerto Rico during Spring Break.

Lata Gata


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