Monday, March 17, 2008

I don't wanna grow up

It is starting to seem that as I grow older, the more and more I wish I was still at a younger age. Therefore sometimes I feel like I don't want to ever grow up, which leads me thinking about life when I was younger and how much I'd appreciate more to not do adult things. If I had a choice to either stay a child my whole life or grow up and be an adult, I think right now I would chose to grow up.
Looking back to when I was a kid, not 11 or 12 but prior to that, say 4 or 5, life was pretty swell. There was nothing too stressful to worry about, just things like what color popsicle to go after and who to say my best friend is. It was rather nice not having all the responsibilities that life hands down to you as you get older, and the simple activities were enough to keep me busy and happy. With that said, after growing older and finding a more complex life to live, it is worth having all these good and bad things that come with it. Think of this analogy if you are confused: (I was inspired after eating an apple today) Person A has an apple. Person B has an identical apple as person A. So time goes by, and person A decides not to bite into the apple. Person A does not know what will happen if they do, so they play it safe and do not take the chance. On the other hand, person B bites into the apple. Two things happen. First off, person B bites too hard into the apple and ends up enduring the pain of losing a tooth. After the pain is gone, person B takes another bite and enjoys the delicious taste of the apple. Understand? Person A is that child that never grows up, staying a child for their whole life and enduring neither the good nor bad life has in store for us. Person A is that guy that grows up, fighting the hardships in life and enjoying the pleasures.
If I had the choice to stay a child my whole life, I'd chose not to take it. I'd take the risk of growing up 100 out of 100 opportunities. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to grow up. Who does? It sucks being an adult and dealing with what adults deal with. But at the same time, I need to grow up. It is inevitable. I'd rather suffer all evil that comes with growing up in order to experience all of the good stuff, such as driving, traveling, starting a family, etc. then not have either of the two at all.

I know if from an outside perspective, this might indeed sound crazy, but if you are willing to have the patience needed to furthermore think about this subject I strongly suggest you read the novel, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. It somewhat parallels to what I am saying here, and maybe it will spark some thoughts as it did when I read it.

Whats going on in my life, you may ask?

I got a car over the weekend. Its pretty sick and I can't wait to drive it alone when I get my license in three weeks. It is a used silver Hyundai Sante Fe, a very fine car for a new driver if I might add.

I haven't been really watching too many movies anymore. I did see some though, because I am an addict and cannot go a weekend without watching at least one. I saw Police Academy, Glory Road, and Enemy of State, all of which I suggest you see.

My new music consists of songs made by Sigur Ros. They are rather motivational. Although they do not contain that many words, the use of instruments and sound devices is phenomenal.

Quote of the day: "What you do with your time helps to define you, so be sure you're making the most of it."

Let there be no wasted time in our lives. No regrets, just lessons learned.

'Till I write again.


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