Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stupid people doing stupid things

I don't like stupid people. I also don't like going to bed and waking up early in the morning for school. Maybe I'm not a person who likes to be organized and on a schedule, or maybe I just like to do what I want and that does not include a schedule. Now back to stupid people. Its not that they are necessarily stupid its just that they don't spend enough time thinking about what they do before they actually do it. For example, today was a pretty important day for try-outs on the high school golf team. So we went to Hole in One and did our thing on the mini-par 3 course. There was this kid there, had to have been a freshman or a sophmore, that was pretty damn awful. You could really tell he's never played golf before when he banks a shot into the water on a hole about 3 or 4 times before finally giving up. But I have nothing wrong with that, because at one point in time I was that freshman loser that couldn't hit a golf ball for his life. Things are different now though I've been taught how to play golf well but theres always room for improvement. Alright we're now on like the 6th hole, which has a pretty big lake guarding the green. So the kid keeps shanking it left into the water, but he somehow gets it onto the green safely after basically his 8th stroke. Anyway, the point of the story is the kid lies about his score when asked by one of the varsity guys from last season. He looks at him with a sorta confused look. Then he turns to me and I give him this "don't believe that shit" face and shake my head. There is one thing I can't stand and that is being lied to. He's stupid enough to think that we are oblivious to the world and can not score correctly. And in doing so with two kids who have been on the team for years is just even more foolish.

I gotta admit sometimes I'm just as bad as that kid. I cheat sorta often in school on tests and shit. Teachers should be able to catch us more often but they're only there for a pay check, so I'll take as much as they will give us. Its pretty funny how many kids cheat and get away with it. Gotta be at least 3/4 of our school. I know it won't be put up with in the real world, but I'm way too lazy to change my ways right now.

I'm too tired to be blogging for the moment, I had to do some last minute stuff for school like usual. I'm an extreme procrastinator by the way. Until tomorrow, to be continued, c ya later peace out and good night.


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